Landlr - The All-in-One Landing Page - Bootstrap HTML Templates Free Download

Landlr is all-in-one landing page, used to launch applications awesome, the best solution cool web projects or your startup. Landlr is flat, modern, flexible and have a complete response based bootstrap design! The built using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. With guidance and responsive design is easy to use on any device (desktop, tablet computers, mobile phones ......), do not delete anything!

Product Features

Flat and modern design
Built HTML5 and CSS3
Based on the bootstrap
Adequate response
Easy to install and customize
Unlimited color scheme
Including a slider Revolution - 15 $ value
Including the entire font awesome 3.0 icon set, fully integrated
Search engine optimized code
Cross-browser compatible Firefox, Safari, Chrome browser, IE8, IE9, IE10
Cool jQuery enhancements
Including four PSD
Well documented
Professional technical support


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